How To Market Just Like The Team Behind Apple
Today’s guest post comes to us from Ellie Summers and the team over at The Website Group based in the United Kingdom. I invite you to go over to their website. But do yourself a favor and start at their About Us page. It’s truly the best I’ve ever seen. From this page alone, you will learn a lot about engagement, design, and the effect of creating a fun, client-centered About page for your company. But first… Ellie tells us how to market our businesses just like the team behind Apple.
How To Market Just Like The Team Behind Apple
Your super-powered marketing campaign for your new business should be the top priority to help obtain success. Do you know if it will succeed?
Consumers must be driven toward your brand and inspired to buy from you rather than your many competitors. Will your marketing tactics help accomplish this?
What if you could steal secrets from the best of the best? What if you could market your business just like the team behind Apple?
Apple didn’t become what it is today without the great marketing mind of Steve Jobs.
Remarkably Apple went from the verge of bankruptcy and became the world’s largest information technology company due to his vision for the brand and his marketing brilliance.
The team at Apple lead by Jobs had faith in their innovative products but also knew that they wouldn’t sell themselves. The marketing strategy was key to really push the company into the top tier brands.
The ‘Think different’ campaign was of course one of his best. The advertising for this made the consumer feel beyond what was the norm and separated the brand from the competition. Brilliant!
When a company like Apple gets to where it is today, it would be foolish not to learn from how they actually did it and even draw ideas from them.
This infographic by The Website Group titled “10 Marketing Lessons from Apple” now shares some of these strategies to help you on your way to success.
10 Marketing Lessons from Apple