One simple change that will positively affect everything you do
LinkedIn and Facebook. You can also learn more about her from her bio at the close of the post.
Today’s Connection Thursday guest post is contributed by Jennifer Ferguson. Jennifer is the Founder and CEO of the Symphony Financial Team. She has been a tremendous friend and professional mentor to me for many years. I think you’ll love her insight into taking action. Connect with Jennifer onOne simple change that will positively affect everything you do
Has this ever happened to you? You are watching TV or searching the internet and see a new product, or video and you say to yourself, “I could have come up with that idea,” or “I would like to do that.”
There is one easily changeable trait that may be affecting you: acting on your idea. Something not many people know about me is that I am currently training for the 2014 Iron Man. If you would have asked me five years ago about this idea, I would have said, “No way.” For years, I wanted to get physically fit, but what I wasn’t doing was acting on my thoughts. Thinking about exercising won’t make you physically fit; it’s the action that gives you the results. Knowing what you need to do means nothing until you put a plan into action. What’s wonderful is that this simple concept is applicable to every area of your life: professional, personal, physical, and spiritual.
How to get started…
The easiest way to change the habit of procrastinating, or NOcrastinating, is to start small, but START. Pick something you would like to do or change that isn’t too drastic. For example, maybe you have thought about journaling on a weekly basis because you learned it is helpful for relieving stress and solving problems. Your first step is to go out and buy a journal, followed by selecting a day and time to journal and then putting it on your calendar. Then, most important, make the commitment. By starting with a small change, it’s easier to accomplish the actions required to make the change. You will quickly see the rewards and you will actually get excited about implementing this strategy into other areas of your life, and for larger life-altering changes.
Then the magic happens… Once you begin to act on your ideas and thoughts, you’ll see these changes positively affect other areas of your life. So many other areas of my life have been positively affected by my plan to get physically fit. I am able to do more with my two small children, my self-esteem has improved, I am a better mentor to others, I am more productive at work, and I am proud of what I have accomplished.
I wish you the best of luck, now GO TO IT!
Author bio:
As CEO and Founder of Symphony Financial Team, Jennifer Ferguson leads a team of best in class subject matter experts to provide the most comprehensive and coordinated planning for her clients. Jennifer’s primary role is to lead the team to make sure all aspects of the client’s financial house are in order and kept that way, and to protect the client’s vision of the ideal life they want to live. Jennifer has received numerous awards for her business and charitable work, most recently being honored as a nominee for the Orlando Business Journal’s Women Who Mean Business award.
A version of this post first appeared on Spark and Hustle.
Word Ninja Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this article. It is amazing how making progess in one area can impact many areas of your life. Keep up the good work. Jen
Yes! The proverbial “baby steps” make a difference. My favorite point is that the choice to move forward on achieving a goal can have a positive effect on other aspects of your life.
Thanks for sharing your insight, Jennifer. I especially like the advice of starting small. The sense of accomplishment you gain from that first step will be the momentum you need to keep going.