Use clients as models for marketing

Tip for growing your business: never stop learning

And old but good tip for growing your business is to never stop…
Use clients as models for marketing

Crisis: The effects of social media and one thing every small business should do

Today I want to share about a topic that every company, regardless…
Use clients as models for marketing

Are you using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with your blog?

Are you using a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy with…
Use clients as models for marketing

Empowered employees = 250,000 “likes”, a stronger community, a successful business

Ask any successful business owner what is their greatest asset…
Use clients as models for marketing

It’s ok to share some of your secrets

Here at myMarketing Cafe, we have often recommended sharing some…
Use clients as models for marketing

Your business is a reflection of you

Each day, I spend time searching for ideas to help small business…
Use clients as models for marketing

Realtors: Use Pinterest to showcase your properties

When carrying out marketing plan strategies that focus on engaging…
Use clients as models for marketing

Pay it forward…

Here at myMarketing Cafe, we promote a marketing model commonly…
Use clients as models for marketing

Picture yourself here…

When developing your content and messaging, a successful strategy…
Use clients as models for marketing

“Seeking models for local photo shoot”

It's been long proven that customer testimonials are an effective…